What kind of bread do you seek?

We spend so much time making “bread” but we don’t live by bread alone. Those who work hard for bread on this earth will not have much when they die and go to heaven. We need to work hard for the bread of life. We need to work for spiritual bread.

When Jesus fed over 5,000 people He became popular very quickly. (John 6:11-15) As soon as Jesus fed them, they saw Him as a prophet – the Prophet. They tried to make Him king. They wanted Him to be like Moses, someone to come and take care of their food and water like Moses did in the wilderness. They wanted someone to provide their needs and make them comfortable. They wanted to have bread and water provided without work. They didn’t seek Him because He was a good spiritual leader; they sought Him because they wanted a comfortable life. They wanted bread.

Even this day, people put so much focus on what they will eat and drink. But they don’t think of God.

What did they want from Jesus? They didn’t want everlasting life. They didn’t want Him as Savior. They wanted Him to provide food and water and set them free from the Romans. They believed He was like Moses, who delivered them from Egypt. They thought Jesus would deliver them from physical bondage and struggle. They wanted blessing from Jesus.

After Jesus fed them, they were very happy. People are like this. Their emotions are controlled by food. When they eat good food they are very happy. When they have to eat something they don’t like, they have an attitude about it. So can you imagine how happy they were after they ate the meal that Jesus provided for them? They were so happy and excited that they wanted to make Him king.

When they were so excited, what did Jesus do? He left and went to the mountain to pray. What does this teach us? When someone praises you and tries to put you in a higher place, pray. Stay strong. Don’t put your guard down because of their flattery.

After Jesus went to the mountain to pray, they followed Him. They didn’t want to give up their free meal ticket. They came looking for more food. In John 6:26, Jesus was saying, “You’re not here because you are seeking God and His miracles, but because you were filled with bread.”

We need to realize that everything we do is because of God. We cook well because of God. We have talents because of God. We clean well because of God. We have gifts because God is working through us. We need to see God in everything we do. Acknowledge that God is in all of your gifts.

Every good thing comes from God.

The people of Israel were fed by Jesus but didn’t see the bread and fish as coming from God, but from man. They wanted Him to be like Moses, to provide water and food for them. They forgot that God was the One who provided everything.

He told them to stop working so hard for something that would only last a short time, something that would spoil. He wanted them to work for something that would last forever.

John 6:27
27 Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.”

Even this day, many Christian people are the same way. They allow their emotions to control their lives. They allow food to control them. They always look for someone to provide bread for them. They seek God as a supplier rather than a savior.

John 6:33
33 For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

The foundation of life on earth is water and light. The foundation of life in heaven is God. Money comes and goes. Money is not everlasting. Your bread comes and goes. That’s why Matthew 4 tells us that we don’t live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4
4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”

We need to examine how much of our lives we spend trying to make bread. How much time do we spend serving God, doing mission work, and giving? How much do you really give God from your heart? How much do you pray from your heart? Every good thing comes from God. He will bless you. But God cannot bless you until your heart is right with Him. Blessing cannot be your focus or motivation.

God bless you,
Pastor Sun Hui East