Revelation chapter 13, part 2

January 26, 2014 Discerning Reader 3 Comments

In Daniel 2:31-45, King Nebuchadnezzar saw a dream about the end times. Babylon was the kingdom of gold in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. They lost their power over to the kingdom of Media and Persia, the kingdom of silver. The chest and arms of silver represented the kingdom of Media and Persia, which lasted until 380 B.C.

The stomach and thigh of bronze represents the Greeks. They had a strong army, stronger than the Medes and Persians. They conquered all of Europe. After King Alexander died, the nation was split into four kingdoms.

The Roman kingdom took over last, which is represented by the two legs which were made of iron and clay. In 364 A.D., Rome divided because of religion when in the fourth century, Constantinople became a Christian.

The ten toes represent ten nations which will unite, both strong and weak nations (iron and clay).

All of these prophecies will be fulfilled. During the time of tribulation, you may or may not be here. The rapture may or may not take place in our lifetime, but everything in the Bible will come to pass. Every word in the Bible will be fulfilled.

The last part of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was a rock which struck the image. This rock is Jesus. When He comes back, He will destroy the 10 nations which have bound themselves together. He will rule over all.

It is a very painful thing to watch large churches, which could do so much to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, refuse to spread the gospel of Jesus. It is the harvest time right now. People don’t really receive the gospel right now, but there are those who want you to come and pray with them. When you preach to 10,000 people, maybe only one person will truly get saved, but that one is so important. It’s worth it.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

3 People reacted on this

  1. It is absolutely true that ALL of the prophesies in the Bible will be fulfilled, the Bible’s old testament prophesies all came to pass… let’s not be foolish enough to think that God may have stopped keeping His word!

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