Prophet Isaiah’s transformation

January 8, 2017 Discerning Reader 0 Comments

Isaiah was a great prophet of God. Before Isaiah repented and started preaching, people liked him. He was born into a good family. He had lots of people around him that loved him. He was a prophet, but at that time, his heart was unclean. We can see that when he had an unclean heart (Isaiah 1-5) his message was different.

Starting in Isaiah 6, when his heart was cleansed, his message was totally different. He spoke the truth in fire. People around him started persecuting him.

Isaiah had a lot of concern for Israel in Isaiah 6 because King Uzziah had just died. King Uzziah brought a lot of financial prosperity and revival to Judea. People respected him very much for this. But he didn’t bring spiritual revival.

God used King Uzziah to heal Judea financially. There are many people in the US who are praying for healing in the finances of this nation. There are many people praying for this nation to prosper because we are in a terrible place financially. God is answering that prayer.

King Uzziah became very prideful after God blessed him. When the people of Judea respected him and honored him for what he had done, pride took over. He went into the temple to offer incense before the Lord like the priests did. That was against God’s command, but his pride was too great (2 Chronicles 26:16-21).

King Uzziah was out of his place, out of order, because he didn’t take care of his spiritual condition. He was blessed financially but he was out of order spiritually. He didn’t acknowledge the priests’ position. He tried to put himself in the same place as the priests.

As time passed by, Isaiah and Judea forgot about God. They forgot the glory of God. They forgot the holiness of God. They became ungrateful.

Isaiah 6 tells us Isaiah changed. Before this time, his heart was not in the right place because he looked up to King Uzziah more than God. But in Isaiah 6, his heart was changed. He realized that God was the One who brought the financial prosperity to Judea (not King Uzziah). He saw God’s hand moving in the nation through King Uzziah.

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God bless you,
Pastor Sun East