Talitha Cumi – Rise and Walk Again in 2017

January 1, 2017 Discerning Reader 3 Comments

Scripture Passage: Mark 5:21-43

Jairus was a ruler of the synagogue. Jairus was a very important and respected man. But his daughter was sick. He felt hopeless and powerless; he needed help. When he heard about Jesus, nothing else mattered. Not his position or his money. He ran to Jesus, fell at His feet, and begged for His help.

On the way to Jairus’ home, they passed by a woman who had a blood disease for 12 years. This woman was forsaken by society. She was unclean. (Leviticus 15:19, 26-27) She was isolated from society. She used all of her money and savings and everything she had to try to find a way to be healed, but nothing worked.

When she heard that Jesus was coming, faith stirred up in her heart.

Romans 10:17
17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

We need to listen to the Word of God. As we listen, faith stirs up in our hearts. When faith stirs up, the dead comes back to life.

John 5:25
25 Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live.

When you hear the Word and receive it in your heart, the death that is in you will come back to life. When we hear the voice of God, our thinking will change. Your faith in God will create miracles.

When Jesus was almost to Jairus’ house, men came and told him that his daughter was dead. Jairus thought it was too late. But Jesus told him that it was not over. It was not too late. The mourners had already been called and they were weeping for the dead child, but Jesus said, “She is just sleeping.” It is not over until Jesus says that it’s over.

When Jesus told them that the child wasn’t dead, that she was just sleeping, they mocked Him. He discharged all of those people, sending them away. He only kept those with Him who had faith and who spoke in faith.

We need to be around those who speak in faith and believe the Word and promises of God. When you are around those who speak faith, it’s like the fire in your heart grows and builds and becomes more powerful. When you are around those who speak doubt, it is like throwing water on the fire. Jesus took those who had faith with Him.

The child really was dead, but Jesus said that the child was just sleeping. When Jesus says that something in your life is asleep and not dead, that means that He is still working on that situation. It’s not dead unless God says that it’s dead. Don’t listen to those around you who tell you that something is dead. Listen to what Jesus says. If Jesus says that you will be great, you will be.

Jairus believed that his daughter would be healed because he saw that the woman with the blood disease was healed. Why did Jesus stop and heal this woman? So that Jairus’ faith would be strengthened before he heard the negative report of his daughter’s death. Everything has a purpose in God’s kingdom. Jairus was anxious and impatient for Jesus to come to his house. He was probably frustrated that Jesus stopped to minister to this woman. But Jesus had a purpose. He knew that Jairus’ daughter was already dead. He knew that Jairus’ faith needed to be strengthened so that she could be raised from the dead and healed.

You might think that Jesus is taking too long to take care of your situation. But there is a purpose in everything. You might think that it will be too late by the time that Jesus gets there, but Jesus’ timing is perfect and nothing is dead until Jesus says that it’s dead. Trust in God and in His timing.

Miracles take place first in the heart. Faith starts in the heart. Faith creates a miracle in your heart.

God bless you,
Pastor Sun Hui East

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3 People reacted on this

  1. This is a powerful picture of the character of our JESUS Christ. The honored, recognized, people of stature like Jairus. And the rejected, shunned and unclean Woman with the issue of blood. We’re important in the eyes of JESUS. And JESUS used the unclean Woman to strengthen the faith of the Ruler of the Church. Because JESUS said to the unclean Woman it is your faith that has made you well. JESUS planted that seed in the mind and heart of Jairus. Because HE knew that the faith of the little girl’s parents would be tested. So when they came to tell Jairus she is dead. JESUS could use their faith to supersede the negative words of the crowd. So when they reached the house and JESUS put out all of those speaking death. HE said to the little girl “Talitha cumi” translated means “little girl, I say to you, arise”. JESUS is truly telling me ARISE. Thank You Pastor Sun for this word.

  2. Thank you for this teaching. It’s very encouraging and it’s helping to increase my faith that with God any situation can be resurrected.

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