A Heart After God is a Repentant Heart

August 18, 2016 Discerning Reader 1 Comments

David had a heart after God. But after David committed sin with Bathsheba, he had her husband killed so that no one would find out what he had done. He committed a grave sin before God.

When Prophet Nathan came to David and exposed his sin and corrected him, he immediately repented. God was very pleased with his quick repentance.

What kind of character did David have?
    #2 David repented quickly

No one really wants to hear correction. Everyone wants to hear that they are good. They want people to praise them. But there are times when we have to receive correction.

Train yourself to accept correction from God. Train yourself to receive and change. Train yourself to be like King David, to quickly repent. That is the kind of heart that pleases God.

David was a good example of repentance.

Stalin was a man who was trying to establish Communism. He killed many, many people, those who didn’t agree with him. There was one day when he was trying to sleep but a dog was barking and he couldn’t sleep. He commanded the guard to go and kill whatever it was that was making that noise. So he killed the dog and reported back to him that he was dead. But Stalin commanded that he go back to kill the owner of the dog.

Stalin was cruel. He killed people like they were ants, like they had no value. God gave life to every creature, every person. We need to see life as a precious gift from God.

Nathan came to David in 2 Samuel 12:1-13. When Nathan corrected him, David deeply repented. God will open many doors for those who repent. There is no one on this earth who doesn’t need to repent. We have darkness and light, good and evil fighting inside of us. We all sin. We all need to repent.

When we acknowledge our sin, we must repent so that it doesn’t grow in our hearts and lives. Destroy sin before sin destroys you.

David repented quickly. This is why God said that he had a heart after Him.

God bless you,
Pastor Sun Hui East

Read other posts in the “Heart After God” Series:
A Heart After God is a Servant Heart
A Heart After God is a Repentant Heart
A Heart After God is a Heart of Praise

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