Revelation chapter 16, part 18

October 12, 2014 Discerning Reader 0 Comments

Revelation 16:17

17 Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, “It is done!”

When the seventh angel pours out his bowl, a voice comes from the throne room, saying “It is done.” The number seven is the number of completion. This is the last bowl. The judgment is complete. It is done.

When Jesus was on the cross, the seventh thing He said was “It is done.”

We, people, cannot survive without air. In the seventh disaster, the angel pours out his judgment on the air. Humans need air to breathe. That is how we survive. This seventh bowl of judgment on the air puts life in danger.

Seven judgments:

  • First = earth
  • Second = ocean
  • Third = rivers
  • Fourth = sun
  • Fifth = sun
  • Sixth = river
  • Seventh = air

Satan has been living in the air, tormenting people. The air and the earth are connected. Satan has passed freely between the earth and the air. He has been attacking people freely. Demons are all the way around the earth, always trying to pull people out of the presence of God, taking them to the wrong places, and tormenting them. Satan’s goal is to take people to hell. Do not listen to the voice of Satan.

People in the church look at this world and they think that it’s very desirable. This is what happened with Eve. She looked at the tree and thought that it looked desirable. When Christians look at this world and this that it looks desirable and fun, they are pulled into this world but their joy will only be temporary.

Satan’s headquarters are in the air.

Ephesians 6:12 clearly tells us that demons are in the air. Our battle is against spiritual forces. When you deal with things like depression, sadness, or discouragement, those are demons that are fighting against you. When you feel these things, cast them out. They must go in the name of Jesus Christ.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East