Revelation chapter 14, part 1

The people in Revelation 14:1-3 will have never experienced death. They sing on Mount Zion.  Above Mount Zion is Jerusalem. Mount Zion is a nickname for Jerusalem. (Psalm 147:12)

The only ones who sing this song are the ones who have not bowed down to an idol. They did not love this world. They did not commit spiritual fornication. They are virgins – never married, single. They always obeyed the voice of God. They are saved during the first 3.5 years of the tribulation and preach the gospel.

Our goal should always be to win the souls. Our desire should be to follow Jesus, to worship God always, to honor Him and keep His commandments. This world is filled with wickedness. People in this world do not honor marriage the way that God ordained it – between a man and a woman. Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ, need to take back what Satan has stolen from us. We should not just watch what is happening without speaking the truth.

The 144,000 are saved during the tribulation and overcome many things.

Romans 8:18 says,For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Our dreams, plans, goals, and desires should be with the things of heaven, not earth. We should not build our kingdom on earth. This earth will not last forever. Our lives on this earth will not last forever. Build your treasure in heaven. God will reward them those who overcome tribulation (Revelation 7:15)

Many believers watch Israel to see what is happening. Through Israel, we can tell when Jesus will come back. On Mount Zion, the place where David offered an offering and where God stopped His judgment. Mount Zion, Jerusalem, is the place where David saw the angel striking the people of Israel and the place where God showed mercy.

During the time of tribulation, the temple will be built again. But the antichrist will sit on the throne in the temple and cause people to worship him. Then the Jewish people will repent for their sin. This is the place where David built an altar to the Lord in 2 Samuel 24:17-25. This is the place where the people of God give peace and burnt offerings. This is Mount Zion, Jerusalem. God regretted judging Israel and stopped His judgment. This shows us the judgment and love and mercy of God. God is good.

Why did this happen? King David allowed fear to take over and made a decision without seeking God’s guidance. He sinned against God in counting the people. Before making a plan, we must ask God for His guidance and direction. Most of the time, we make a decision and then ask God to go along with it. Then, if nothing happens or something bad happens, we get mad at God. That is what happened with David. He made a decision under fear. Because he didn’t ask God, he didn’t pray, judgment came to Israel and thousands of people suffered and died. We need to seek God’s direction before making our decisions. We need to learn to have a relationship with God, to let Jesus be our best friend.

Once you make God the Lord of your life, He is your Master. He is in control. Many people have made Jesus their Savior, but not their Lord. Make Jesus your Lord. Then you will have great success. Follow Jesus and let Him lead you.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

4 People reacted on this

  1. at that point, the sin of King David was not necessarily in His action, but his motive… I do not want to continually be caught in that trap. Good post Pastor Sun Hui East, thank you!

  2. it is true that Israel is the center of spiritual importance… amazing that Obama is willing to put the whole country in jeopardy by turning away from them (I guess that is what we get for electing someone with no spiritual guidance or understanding)

  3. I really need to learn this lesson, the one about asking God before I make a decision. I tend to do things first then ask for blessing over my decision. It catches up with me always and I don’t know what it’s going to take for me to get humble and change my process

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