Revelation chapter 13, part 3

January 29, 2014 Discerning Reader 5 Comments

In Daniel 7:1-8, God showed King Nebuchadnezzar four kings. Sometimes God gives a Gentile a dream. Sometimes God gives a dream to someone who we may not expect. God reveals His plans to His children (Amos 3).

King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream 14 years before Babylon’s fall. In his dream, the four winds of heaven stirred up the Great Sea. This shows us that God is in charge of this world. Nations will rise and fall. Some nations rise up very quickly, then fall very quickly. Everything happens by the plans of God and His permission. The winds of heaven stirred up the Great Sea. The Great Sea is symbolic of a multitude of people as well as the Mediterranean Sea.

The first beast in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was a lion. The lion represents the king of Babylon. It is symbolic of strength and courage. King Nebuchadnezzar was prideful, courageous, and very violent, like a beast. This is a spirit.

Some people, even now, carry the spirit of a beast. They have no self-control. They are angry. They cause a lot of damage, breaking things accidentally. They are very unsettled and make those around them feel unsettled. What causes this? A demon. The spirit of a beast. What is the open door which allows this demon to affect people? Pride. Being unteachable. This is what King Nebuchadnezzar’s sin was. When you are unteachable, you listen to your flesh more than to God. You have no desire to study the Word of God. The spirit of a beast takes over when you stop submitting to God. When the spirit of God leaves our human heart, it is very difficult to bring it back. The spirit of a beast can come to any person and destroy them if they have an open door. Watch out for pride. Pray for those who suffer from this spirit, so that they can get delivered.

The lion had eagle’s wings. The gold head was King Nebuchadnezzar, who ruled like the eagle (Jeremiah 49:22).

Why do you resist Jesus? Because Satan is pushing Jesus out of your life. Satan will never tell you to study the Bible, to pray, to obey God, to have peace with others, to preach the gospel, to save the souls. Satan will never push you toward Jesus. People have a hard time doing these things because they have allowed Satan to enter into their hearts and influence their behavior. King Nebuchadnezzar became like a beast, running in the field. But when King Nebuchadnezzar humbled himself before God, the heart of a man returned to him. (Daniel 4:20-25, 34-37).

If you are dealing with pride, remember that you have an open door to a beast spirit. If you are dealing with pride, humble yourself before God. Don’t let that spirit enter into you. Don’t allow your human heart to be turned into the heart of a beast. When you see people living and talking like a beast, pray for them.


5 People reacted on this

  1. I ask others often why they refuse Jesus… I never get a truthful answer. It’s interesting to hear you, Pastor Sun Hui East, ask the same question.

  2. I know that I have a prideful way about me, and always have… Lord, change me into your image, give me a humble heart. I want to be like you.

  3. I truly do not want the influence of this world to affect my walk with the Lord. Reading Revelation helps me understand the gravity of each decision I make.

  4. I’m grateful that the Lord cares enough to teach us still. I can not imagine if He truly left the human race to 100% of our own sinful, selfish devices… very frightening. thank you for your healthy, Godly perspective Pastor Sun Hui East.

  5. I can see where the influence of Satan in my life is pushing me away from Jesus. If I would just have a steadfast and powerful love for Jesus at all times (instead of focusing on myself) I would have no open doors to the attack against me. Life would be easier, thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for this post!

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