Revelation chapter 12, part 3

January 13, 2014 Discerning Reader 7 Comments

There is a spiritual world which we cannot see. From time to time, God allows someone to see the spiritual world. There is a battle going on for every soul. On the one hand, the devil is talking to us, trying to convince us to sin, that a life without God would be a great life. Then, our conscience and the Holy Spirit are speaking to show us that the devil is a liar. We must allow our conscience to listen to the voice of God. God speaks through our conscience, through Scripture, through teaching, sometimes through an audible voice.

This life is short. If we want to live for good, we must make a choice. Remember where you came from. If you forget where you came from, you will become very ungrateful. Remember that you came from a place that was lonely, empty, sad, and miserable. You lived in sin, but could not satisfy your soul. You felt empty no matter what you tried. If we remember what God has delivered us from, we will always be grateful for what God has done in our lives to deliver us, change us, heal us, and fill us. It is very good for you to share your testimony, about how God changed your life. When you share your testimony, you remember where you came from and your heart softens.

Watching the wrong types of TV programs opens the door for a demon to come and torment you and attack you. Those things that you have watched will stick in your mind. Why? Because there is a spirit attached to those things and they will attach to you until you cast them out. Those images will be in your mind because that spirit attaches to your brain. Satan will bring those things back to your memory, in order to torment you. You must watch out for what you see. Satan will use secular TV to torment you.

In Genesis 6:1-9, God saved Noah’s family because he found favor in the eyes of God. Why are we talking about Noah? God saved Noah during the time of the flood. Satan saw this and was concerned and thought, “Maybe God will use his bloodline to bring the Messiah.” Therefore, Satan caused him to drink and deceived his children. Satan’s plan was for them to come against God. Satan has been trying to destroy the promise of God of Genesis 3:15 throughout history. Revelation 12:4 tells us the dragon tried to devour the Child that Israel bore for the saving of the nations.

In Genesis 11, they started to build the tower of Babel. Satan came in Genesis 11 and convinced them to come against God. So God sent a spirit of confusion and caused them to separate from one another.

Satan will try everything in his power to destroy a good thing. He used the king of Egypt to take Sarah and come against God’s plan in Abraham’s life. History repeats itself over and over again. Why? Because God gives people chance after chance to repent and change. The same message comes from God over and over again. Why? Because God is giving you the chance to repent over and over again.

In Revelation 12:10-11, Satan is very angry because he has been kicked out of heaven. He is attacking God’s people, but we can overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

After Michael and Satan had war, God kicked Satan out from heaven to the earth and he started persecuting Israel. If Israel had received Jesus as Savior, they would have been able to avoid this time of persecution. Even so, God provided a way of escape. Revelation 12:14 says that God will provide a hiding place for the Jewish people.

This is the time to make sure that you are right with God, so that you can hear the sound of the trumpet calling you to heaven, so that you don’t have to endure the tribulation.

In Revelation 12:15-16, the antichrist will be very angry and will attack the Jewish people with a mighty army. Verse 17 says that the earth will swallow this army with water. This means that there will be a great earthquake, which will defeat the plans of the antichrist. Praise God, He is powerful enough to do whatever He wants to do. 

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

7 People reacted on this

  1. Excellent message!A person remains grateful by remembering where he or she came from and what they were delivered from! This is important because if the focus is on thankfulness it won’t be on complaining.

  2. I used to drink everyday, was depressed, lonely, lustful, full of anger and hatred! I have overcome in many areas, I no longer drink or take anti-depressants but I’m not perfect. I am thankful for Shepherds who pray and speak the truth. Thank you Jesus and Pastor Sun!

  3. Thank you Pastor Sun East. I see the church as a hospital that people will run to, we need to make sure that we are clean and ready.

  4. If you think about it our life here is so short. We are living in the last of the last times, and we don’t have time to do anything but serve God. Thank you pastor Sun East.

  5. That’s the first time I’ve really understood those passages… great post, thank you Pastor Sun Hui East.

  6. I do want to make sure that I am right with you Lord, please forgive me of my sins and renew my spirit in you. Thank you for this post Pastor Sun Hui East.

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