Pastor Sun reminds us to “Be Faithful”

November 13, 2013 Discerning Reader 19 Comments

1 Corinthians 4:1-2 tells us that it is required for servants of Christ to be faithful. What do we need to be faithful to? The little things.

What we see as “little”, God may see as very important. Eve may have thought that one bite of the fruit was a little thing. In the book of Joshua, we read about Achan, who only took something little. He may not have thought it was a big deal, but it cost his life, his family’s life, and 36 of the warriors of Israel who were killed in battle because of Achan’s “little” sin. Do not despise little things.

Jeremiah 48:10 tells us that we will be cursed if we do not faithfully take care of God’s work. To be faithful is to be stable, be consistent, do good work, give your best to God.

If you are faithful to little, you will be faithful to much (Luke 16:10).

Faithfulness also means that we don’t miss our chance to serve God. Don’t make excuses when God asks you to do something. If He calls you, He will make the way. When you are faithful, you will be given more (Matthew 25:21). God praises those who use their talents and multiply them.

Satan will try to distract you from serving God and using the gifts He has given you. Satan’s goal is to destroy God’s calling on your life and your gifts. He will do that through distraction, trying to make you fearful, prideful, or make you too busy to do God’s work (Ephesians 5:16)

Being faithful means giving your best even when no one else is watching you or giving you credit for it. It also means that you give freely, without considering the cost or the compensation. Give to God because He has given so much to you. Give out of a grateful heart, expecting nothing in return. When you give freely to God, He will take care of your every need.

Jesus is returning for His faithful workers. Be faithful until your last breath. Don’t give up in the middle of what God has called you to do. Just like God commanded in 2 Timothy 4:7-8, fight the good fight. Finish the race. Don’t give up because you are tired, you want an easier life, you want to spend more time with your family, or because you don’t think that what God has called you to do is all that important. When you are faithful to the end, you will receive the crown of life (Revelation 2:10).

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

19 People reacted on this

  1. I absolutely agree with this teaching regarding faithfulness! God is after our hearts, He wants us to have good, loving & generous attitudes. He wants to see us following His word in our hearts, not just in action. We are children of the Lord, we should be so grateful and so giving… we have everything, He wants to see us have a deep desire to share it all, without a worry for tomorrow!

  2. I think my parents did a good job of eating my brothers and I about doing the “right thing” when whether someone was watching or not, NOt that we always dd, but the lesson sunk in. Dad would hide in the house after he had told us to do something and watch us… was pretty funny when he’s jump out and scare us, and very affective! Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for bringing back that memory and making me laugh today!

  3. I know that Satan is always trying to distract us! I appreciate anything that reminds me of this. I think that if he knows you are a Christian, and won’t be falling into any huge sin, then he just needs to keep us busy with ourselves and we won’t be of any use to the Kingdom! Good post Pastor Sun Hui East, I appreciate your blog.

  4. I know that I want the Lord to return looking for me! How heartbreaking to think that I would fall short of overcoming because of my own selfishness … Lord, help me to walk hand in hand with you! Good post Pastor Sun Hui East, and, congratulations on “Seven Days Away”, my son really enjoyed being part of that production. San Antonio isn’t far from him now and he would like to be on set for your filming of “Scarlett” in January if you need him.

  5. Curses seem n-rea, or like something from a fairy tale or from the past; however, the Bible is clear about them being a reality if we choose sin! Pastor Sun Hui East, thank you for your teachings that encourage us to consider more of Scripture than we want to…

  6. Absolutely, as I commented on another post above, I know Satan is constantly attacking us. His desire is to destroy us. I like the way you point out the truth Pastor Sun Hui East.

  7. I had my dad read this… it helped him. I am going to order one of your books for him tomorrow. Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for all you do.

  8. We should always give freely without counting the cost… it shows the truth of our character when we hold back. The Lord held nothing back from us. Well stated Pastor Sun Hui East.

  9. Yes, I am always wanting my children to understand that it MATTERS what they do when no one is watching, not just when they are… great message Pastor Sun Hui East, I had both my teenagers read this last night.

  10. Our walk with Jesus is a daily battle to overcome. With His guidance and help we will make it. Thank you Pastor Sun East

  11. I like faithful friends, so I know I need to be faithful too. Now that I’m in high school, it is harder to find true faithful friends because it is tempting to do wrong things and hurt others.

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