Pastor Sun East reminds us, “It’s Time to Work!”

October 15, 2013 Discerning Reader 16 Comments

Jesus is coming back soon. In the meantime, we need to work! We are called to follow Him, to serve Him, to take action.

Matthew 20:1-16 tells us that the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. When Jesus looks to “hire” workers, He isn’t going to check references or ask for a resume. He will hire whomever is willing and available.

The vineyard represents the church. God calls His people to the church, not just to sit in the pews and look pretty or to make the church look full, but to work. We must find our assignment and move forward with God’s plan for our lives.

Some people don’t want to go to church because they’ve been hurt by someone or been offended by something that was said. But we can’t live by our emotions or feelings. God has commanded us to be a part of a church. There is no reason, in God’s eyes, for us not to go to church.

The church is not a place to make connections or gain popularity. It is not a place to receive personal gain, but to serve God and others, to strengthen one another, and to receive correction and counsel from God’s Word. The church is the place where we can meet God and see Jesus (in others and through His Word). The church should be a place of salvation and deliverance.

John 5:17 shows us that we serve a working God. God called us to the church to work as well as to be strengthened and fed by the Word of God. Every good work that you do in the name of Jesus Christ and for the glory of God will be remembered and rewarded.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

16 People reacted on this

  1. This was a great post Pastor Sun Hui East, and I do want to WORK for the Lord. I know that there is SO much to be done in His kingdom. There are so many hurting people throughout the world that need to know God. Jesus, please give me strength to stay with my commitment to the Great Commission!

  2. I completely agree with you Pastor Sun Hui East! While church always winds up to be a great meeting place, I believe it is sinful to go there with that motivation! We need to go to church to learn about God and give of ourselves to His kingdom, anything less is not OK.

    1. I agree, church time is for God. Often, relationships, friendships & job connections happen there (by the Lord’s design) but we need to stay in the spirit & focused on Him.

  3. This post rings true in our family. My brother won’t go to church because of an incident that happened at a local church when he was young & first married. Truth be told, I think it’s just a handy excuse to get out of going to church at all, while allowing him to play the martyr…

  4. I believe that if we honor the church as the Israelites were taught to honor the House of the Lord in the Old Testament, then we would be more in line with what the Lord wants… and I agree, Pastor Sun Hui East, the church is not a place to go to meet people. the church is a place we go to meet God.

  5. My son always talks about you Pastor Sun Hui East. You have done a lot for our family. We all, so appreciate how you took my grandson into your drug recovery program back in 2008. We had lost hope for him at the time and it was only a miracle that brought your church van downtown to the exact street that he was on. Nothing had helped before, no church, no program and no rehab had any affect. just your humble little program that included prayer every night… I guess that’s what he needed. More of Jesus, not training. Thank you.

    1. Betty, it was a mazing to watch your grandson come out of his addiction and darkness. Praise God for your prayers for him and praise the Lord that Pastor Sun Hui East had faith that Jesus would change him. (I hate to admit it, but many of us were the voice of discouragement about him… forgive us)

  6. I am so very grateful that the Lord will use any of us, despite our background, education or citizenship… I have all of those things, but how scary if that’s really what He’s looking for… how can we measure up. He has to make us into what He wants or we have NO hope. Bless you Pastor Sun Hui East, for your faithfulness to Him!

  7. I was one of those people who used that as an excuse to avoid church. It sounds really good to yourself & others, but eventually, doesn’t ring true. I’m very glad I decided to get over being offended by people & reconnect with God. I love you Pastor Sun Hui East, thank you for posting.

  8. I enjoyed reading this today, my co-worker actually read it with me & seemed to like it. Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East.

  9. I love this, and I totally agree! Each of us need to be working in some capacity in the church! It’s easy to just “attend” on Sunday, then go about our week (going to our job and caring for our own family)… we need to put God into everyday & make sure that we are doing our part to advance the kingdom.

  10. I want to work for the Kingdom, for the church and for Jesus. I committed, last night after reading this post, that I would give up one of the evenings I usually spend going out to dinner and “treating myself” to help at the church. (when I called my pastor to ask what could be done, he had a great assignment for me and was overjoyed, saying “I prayed this morning for someone to offer their time to the Lord in this”)

  11. I watching my grown children following the Lord by working in their churches, I am so grateful to see this! Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for your church’s influence in their lives during their teen years. It was hard to move away from Denver and leave your church when my husband had that job transfer; however, your teachings were deeply instilled in all of us and brought us all into a closer walk with HIM.

  12. I need to give my time to God, I have been lazy! “So sorry Jesus”! Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East

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