Pastor Sun says, “Let Your Tongue be Perfect”

September 15, 2013 Discerning Reader 21 Comments

In Matthew 5:48, Jesus commands His disciples to be perfect as He is perfect. This message is for us, as well. To be perfect means that we are separated from this world and keep God’s commandments. Why are the children of God different, called to be separate? Because we have a Savior and we know the full truth of God. We walk in confidence that Jesus is with us and are free from the curse of sin, death, and bondage. We should be bearing the fruit of Jesus in our lives.

Proverbs 18:20-21 shows us that the words we speak plant seeds into our future. We live and eat by the fruit of our tongues. If we don’t use our tongues wisely, we are no different from the people in this world.

We plant seeds into an unknown future everyday. It is as though our future is an empty field full of rich soil. Every word that we speak is a seed, whether for good or for evil. So we must watch out for how we speak. Our tongue is a very powerful tool which can make us perfect.

How can we be perfect? First, by loving our enemies. In Matthew 5:40-48, Jesus told us to love our enemies: those who persecute us, hate us because of God, love this world, try to sue us, try to kill us spiritually, and who come against the Word of God. We can be perfect by feeding and taking care of our enemies.

We can also be perfect by speaking according to the Word of God. When we speak out of our flesh, we kill perfect love. James 3:1-12 tells us of the power of the tongue. Just as a fire can destroy or bring life and healing, so can our tongues. By your spoken words, you can have a miserable life or a glorious future. Plant good seeds into your life and future and you will be abundantly blessed!

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

21 People reacted on this

  1. I like this analogy of being “perfect in Him”. I know you teach this type of thinking Pastor Sun Hui East and I agree with you.

  2. It is almost scary to realize that this is true… each and every thing we do plants a seed into our future. My mother tried to get that across to my brothers and I when we were young, but we just had to “learn for ourselves”! All three of us made a lot of mistakes and have now paid the price of our actions. Some of the price was big, some of the price was small and un-noticeable to someone who wasn’t paying attention. Anyway, thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for making it so clear. I appreciate you and all you have done for my youngest brother. I really don’t think he would be alive if you had not allowed him to go through your drug/alcohol recovery program that year. Thank you.

  3. Wow, loving our enemies… that is the toughest one, but it says in the Bible that if we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven. It seems like the same thing actually. Good message Pastor Sun Hui East, I’m always glad to see your posts!

    1. To encourage you, I experienced so much peace after I let go and truly forgave my first husband for the pain I felt during our marriage.

    2. I would also like to encourage you Margaret, after that forgiveness has taken place, the love can come… trust God!

  4. I have not been a Christian for a very long time, only about 2 years, but I already sense a desire to go deeper with God. I love the church I am attending, such nice people, but no one is too excited about having any prayer meetings or talking in depth about the Holy Spirit. I almost think everyone is too comfortable, almost like something rough will have to happen in the USA before people want to sacrifice an evening of TV to seek God. It makes me sad, but know it is the general spiritual condition of our churches today. I really appreciate the fact that you seek more of God and are willing to sacrifice your time and energy to help others seek Him also Pastor Sun Hui East.

  5. I want ALL of my words to honor God. “Help me in this Jesus!” Thank you, Pastor Sun Hui East for teaching us to have NO place of compromise in our hearts. I want my children to grow up with this understanding.

  6. I can testify that we are constantly planing seeds, I see it all the time in my work environment… we truly weep what we sow! I agree with your words Pastor Sun Hui East.

  7. I know that perfection is the goal, it’s God’s goal for us anyway… thank you for your continued guidance Pastor Sun Hui East, you are not afraid to push!

  8. I need to be more careful with my words, I am so very careful with my money and my possessions, yet she it comes to my mouth, I seem to do whatever I feel like at the time… not good. thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for this post. I am getting better!

  9. Perfect huh… ? Sounds so difficult when it’s written out. God help me! Appreciate the post Pastor Sun Hui East.

  10. planting seeds is the best analogy we could use… that’s probably whey the Lord used it when He was here… great post Pastor Sun Hui East! I’ve got my mom and my aunt reading this blog now

  11. I am still growing in the Lord Pastor Sun Hui East, and I do want to be perfect… as He is perfect. Please pray for me

  12. Being perfect is a tall order! We must remember that we are always striving for that perfection and that we will truly experience it when we meet God. I actually need to humble myself and push for perfection, even knowing that… not trying to use it as an excuse. Praise the Lord Pastor Sun Hui East

  13. I have always believed that my words have power because things do happen when I speak… I better watch out!

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