Pastor Sun exhorts, “Use Your Gifts”

August 11, 2013 Discerning Reader 19 Comments

God doesn’t want His children to lose any gift that He has given us. When He gives us a gift, we must use it. God wants to use your gifts to build His kingdom. We have a purpose, a destiny in our lives. We have a great assignment and obligation as children of God. God expects us to use our gifts. When we don’t, we lose them. Your gift could be your ministry, an area in which you serve God.

In Matthew 18, Jesus taught that joy comes when we find the gifts that we have lost. Luke 19:10 shows us that Jesus came to find the lost. Our job is to find the lost. Don’t ever say that God hasn’t given you any gifts or that you don’t know what your gift is. Open your mouth to preach the gospel. That is your gift.

This nation has lost so much. The churches have lost so much. We are losing the gospel of Jesus Christ and souls. That is what we should be concerned about — not about losing money or this nation’s economy. The devil wants us to focus on those things (like losing our comfort or family or savings account) while he takes away what is really important — souls.

In Luke 15:3-10, Jesus taught parables about those who lost their gifts. Why do people lose their gifts? First, because of irresponsibility. Power and anointing come when we are responsible. This means that we must take care of our ministry, even when we don’t feel like it, or when other things are happening in our lives.

Second, we lose our gifts when we aren’t faithful and committed. We must not serve God or take care of our gifts by our emotions. Don’t be lazy with what God has given you. Don’t be afraid to preach the gospel.

Third, we lose our gifts when we don’t see them as having value. If you don’t see your gifts or ministry as having value, you will not take care of them. Ask God to see the things He has given you through His eyes.

We must be like Jesus. In John 6:38-39, Jesus said that He came to do the will of the Father. We live to do God’s will. His will is to find the lost. How do we do this? First, by finding the little ones, the ones that are nothing in the eyes of this world, but are very important in the eyes of God. Find the poor, needy, children, and youth.

We also find the lost by finding sinners, those who have forsaken and turned away from God. The Bible clearly tells us that if we don’t speak the truth to them, their blood will be on our hands. Never make the excuse that their lives are none of your business. That is not how God sees it.

Lastly, to find the lost, find your own life. Don’t let anything come between you and God. Don’t let anything be a hindrance to your walk with God. Bring back whatever it is that you may have lost.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

19 People reacted on this

  1. I want to use the gifts the Lord has given me. I think that I spend more time worrying about my finances & personal life, than I need to. Lord, help me put you first

    1. If we were all honest, we’d probably find out that money comes first in our lives. Not good, but true. (you’re not the only one Payton )

  2. Because people suffer from insecurity, it is easy for us to be ungrateful for the gifts God has given us. I liked this perspective Pastor Sun Hui East & I hope this post encourages people to get their confidence from God.

  3. This post was very interesting Pastor Sun Hui East, it is interesting because I am always telling my kids to be “responsible”, but hadn’t thought that maybe I wasn’t bring responsible to God.

    1. I’ve done the same thing for years, it wasn’t until I spent more time in prayer each day, that I could see the need for my own correction.

  4. It is true that Satan tries to distract us from doing Gods work… and it is true that he often doesn’t use “sin” to pull us away, as much as he uses comfort. I know that underneath my desire to be “a good Christian” is a woman who likes her sleep, her food and her respect… when I start giving up large amounts of any of those three, I start acting differently and my pride gets exposed… it’s much easier to play the “luke warm” game of church once a week and avoid the tough work that that makes my life difficult. Thank you Pastor Sun Hui East for talking about these things, I can tell you that you make us ALL uncomfortable, in a good “Godly” way!!

  5. I’ve been reading your posts for a while now Pastor Sun Hui East. I work a lot and am only able to get on personal computer at night, when I’m home… but that is the best time for me to listen to the Lord. I love that so many people make comments and reply to your posts!

  6. I know what you are trying to help us understand Pastor Sun Hui East, it is that our salvation itself is the greatest gift we have been given, and if we recognize that, our hearts will overflow to tell others about what we’ve found. That is the spiritual & emotional place we should remain in, so often we get pulled into competition & jealousy of others even in a church environment. It’s sad, and doesn’t say much for what we are showing the younger people.

  7. I want the Lord to grow my gifts, not just my bank account. I need to pray in a way that shows Him that! Thank you for the great teachings Pastor Sun Hui East. I’m enjoying this blog

  8. I am very aware that we can lose our gifts. I watched my older brother give up everything the Lord had given him to give himself the alcohol & eventually cocain. I’m still praying for him Pastor Sun Hui East, can you also please remember him in prayer! His name is Jason.

  9. I experienced losing my ministry due to my complacency years ago. The Lord had clearly shown me to start a jail ministry in our town. I liked the idea, but always found myself too busy to get it started. An interesting turn of events took place in our town & my unsaved uncle became the main sherriff. If I’d been immediately obedient to the Lord, I would have been in a position to minister to him & show him God’s work first hand.

  10. The Lord is so forgiving in our unfaithfulness. We disappoint Him with most of our choices, then get angry when things don’t go our way. We don’t love others the way we should, nor do we reach out to them the way He asks us to… I appreciate this post Pastor Sun Hui East, thank you for always putting the tough teachings out.

  11. Why do we spend so much time worried about ourselves? I think that if we put the Lord in first place, like you are always saying Pastor Sun Hui East, we would have more answers!

  12. I really never knew that the Lord had so many good things planned for Christians. I’ve come to learn that He really loves His children. I’ve also seen myself and other miss out constantly because of our own view of things. You always help us see our spiritual weeknesses Pastor Sun Hui East. I appreciate that!

  13. I keep reading this blog each week & so appreciate your post Pastor Sun Hui East. God bless you & your ministries always!

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