Pastor Sun East encourages, “Make Wise Choices”

Right now a lot of people live in fear. Why? Where does this fear come from? Our choices. When we make the wrong choice, we will live in fear. Why do people make wrong choices? Out of a lack of trust for God and a desire for this world.

This nation has made a lot of wrong choices in legalizing drugs and abortion and in taking prayer and the Word of God out of the school system. The result: fear for our nation’s future.

There is a consequence for every choice. Good choices result in peace. Wrong choices result in feelings of unsettledness, fear, worry, and panic.

In Genesis 12:1-3, God commanded Abraham to leave his father’s land. Abraham made a wise choice and obeyed God.

If you want to be successful, there are 4 things that you must do. First, have an adventurous heart. Don’t be content where you are. Always have the desire to do new things and dare to follow God into something new. Second, have a determined heart. Don’t be lukewarm and content with your life the way that it is right now. Always have a goal and dream to do and be something better than you are right now. Third, have a patient heart. Prayerfully wait on God’s plan as you move forward in His will. Fourth, have a courageous heart. God will first call you to leave the place where you have been so comfortable. Be strong and courageous and follow His leading.

When God leads you out of your old land, you must give up the old things that are in it–friends, family, your old way of thinking, your old habits, your old sin. You must remember that you will be like those you spend time with. You will learn from those who are around you. If you continually hold onto ungodly people, you will continue to think like them and act like them. You will not be able to receive the new things that God has for you.

When you leave your old life behind, God will make your name great. He will give you the nations. All of the families of the earth will be blessed because of you. This was His promise to Abraham and this is His promise to you.

God bless you!
Pastor Sun Hui East

15 People reacted on this

  1. Well said Pastor Sun Hui East. We do need to leave the old things behind if we are serious about following God!

  2. My mother started following Sun Hui East years ago when she had that church for the homeless in downtown Denver. Ever since mom saw how this woman cared for the homeless, dirty, poor & undesirable people on the streets, she has been a big fan. I was actually the one that found this blog last week!

    I’m so glad to see your following… nice work & I love the blog.

  3. The “daily grind” of life sometimes lull us into complacency that kills the adventurous heart. It is true to have a new life you need to be willing to let God take you to new places. Thank you Pastor Sun East for the insightful teaching!

  4. This is powerful food for thought. It’s really easy to stay in an earthly mindframe when we talk about success. This is a whole new way to look at things, thank you Pastor Sun Hui East, I realize that I need to change my perspective.

  5. I agree with Phillip that it is unusual to consider success in a spiritual way, yet I actually know this to be true. I’m glad you’re inspiring both men & women to change Pastor Sun Hui East, keep up the good work!

  6. I enjoyed reading this tonight Pastor Sun Hui East, thank you. I don’t want to be content with my current spiritual condition, I want to grow! Please pray for me.

  7. I have a testimony about this, but don’t worry, I’m not going to write it all down Pastor Sun Hui East! I can just say that God opened doors in my life when I made a huge decision to leave a high-paying job and move across town to help more with our church. This sounds crazy to most people and certainly did to my “friends” at the time. However, I can clearly testify, 5 years later, that I did exactly as I should have! My family has been blessed, my children are walking with God and I don’t think they would be if I had stayed in the other neighborhood and kept my high salary. ALL that aside, we have as a family, actively put God first! We’ve been on mission trips together, we worship and pray with our church most night of the week… we have our priorities correct and I am so very grateful!

  8. I completely agree with you Pastor Sun Hui East! This country has made many wrong choices. I truly believe that we will pay a high price someday, as a nation, for turning against all if God’s commands.

  9. I don’t want to give up the things that make me comfortable. I’m actually a lot more selfish than I want to admit. I like to sleep late on the weekends, eat lots of good food, keep a high savings account, not have too many people in my house…ect, ect.

  10. I love the way God takes away all the old junk so that He can bless us with His greatness in every way!

  11. Leaving your old life behind is hard. I have read your autobiography Pastor Sun Hui East and I know that you did not grow up a Christian, but grew up a Buddhist.

  12. I’m not content Pastor Sun Hui East, I am always wanting to grow. Thanks for the encouragement!

  13. Ive made a lot of bad choices, but when I chose to leave my past behind, my life made a turn for the good with Jesus Christ. The most life-changing things I let go of were friendships/ relationships. I know Pastor Sun Hui East, that you’ve written a lot about how “bad company corrupts morals” and it is so true. Believe it or not, it was people who called themselves Christians that damaged me the most.

  14. When I pray, I can make a wise choice. That is a good reason to pray Pastor Sun Hui East (it benefits me!), thank you for this post.

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